The Matchmaker’s Mouth

Scholar Liao was just as Dong Nuan had expected. He treated everyone equally and did not deliberately neglect Dong Nuan just because she was a girl.

In any case, he was a good shepherd. As he taught, his students below listened.

Because the farmyard was poor, no one had the money to buy pens and paper. Scholar Liao had his own methods. He filled a small wooden bowl with water and let everyone write on the wooden table. After writing, they could use a small rag to wipe it off.

The small rags were naturally prepared by each family. Dong Nuan did not know anything because it was her first day there. She only brought a small rag.

At noon, he would put the rags outside to dry and use them in the afternoon.

Dong Nuan studied for the entire morning. When she returned home at noon, she had just washed her face with well water and cooled down a little when she saw a stranger at home.

"Hey, this house is very clean." The person who came was an old woman in her forties. She was wearing quite decent clothes. At least, there were no patches on it. She smiled when she saw people, and her hair was combed neatly.

After entering, she looked around and said some nice things.

"Hey, what is Sister Liu doing here? Come in and take a seat." When Old Madam Dong saw her, she quickly invited her in.

She carried a basket and walked in. She put the basket aside and was not in a hurry to take out the things. Instead, she said polite greetings for a while.

In any case, she was the kind of person that could praise people to the point where flowers bloomed from them. Dong Nuan had just washed her face and was standing in the courtyard, so she followed her into the central room.

Old Madam Liu sized Dong Nuan up from top to bottom. After reading it, she nodded in satisfaction and said, "Elders Sister still knows how to raise children. Look how well she's raised this one."

Dong Nuan looked at her for a long time and roughly guessed her identity.

The matchmaker.

Thinking of her humanoid pill, Dong Nuan knew that Han Jianglou must have prepared a matchmaker before proposing marriage.

She was not embarrassed and allowed the other party to size her up.

At this moment, everyone in the family had returned from the fields. However, Second Aunt and Fourth Aunt Dong were still gone. Dong Nuan did not care much about them. If they were gone, so be it.

"Third Brother's family, come over for a while." After talking to Old Madam Liu for a long time, Old Madam Dong called Madam Dong Wu over.

After all, it was related to Dong Nuan's marriage. It was not good for Madam Dong Wu to not know anything.

After exchanging pleasantries for a long time, Old Madam Liu went straight to the point. "I was asked by someone to come visit. Her potential match is really great. And it's not just me, but everyone in the village can see it."

Blah, blah.

Old Madam Liu praised Han Jianglou beyond bounds.

This was very normal. She had to put in a good word for whoever had the money.

Old Madam Liu had received the money. She could not possibly not say anything negative, right?

The two families had already mentioned this matter before, so Old Madam Dong listened attentively.

Actually, from the moment Old Madam Liu entered, Old Madam Dong felt much better. This was because Han Jianglou knew how to be a gentleman. There were many matchmakers in the nearby villages, but Han Jianglou had specially invited Old Madam Liu from Old Madam Dong's maiden family's village.

It could be seen that he had considered things well. At the same time, he was expressing goodwill to the family.

Old Madam Dong really felt good. Even though she knew that Old Madam Liu was exaggerating, she did not feel uncomfortable.

"The young master of the Han family is so considerate. He's afraid that he's wrong in his etiquette. Oh my, I've never seen such a considerate young master." The matchmaker's mouth was full of lies. It was fine to just listen in to some words.

However, when she opened the basket and revealed what was inside, Old Madam Dong felt that it was fine as long as that was not a lie.

Han Jianglou was very generous. This piece of meat looked like it weighed two kilograms. It was fat and juicy. Old Madam Dong only took a look and was much more satisfied.

Other than a piece of meat, there was also something wrapped in paper. From the smell, it should be candy. There was also a jar of wine. It was probably worth four taels. It was not much. After all, it was just a marriage proposal. It was already not bad to show some gratitude.

In the end, there were also ten eggs. Every egg was cleaned very well. It was obvious that he had put in a lot of effort.

There were countless people who came to propose marriage empty-handed just because. 

However, the situation between their two families was special, so Han Jianglou was generous.

Old Madam Dong was much more satisfied after reading it. Even the smile on her face became much more sincere.

Old Master Dong watched from the side and nodded approvingly in his heart. He thought to himself that Han Jianglou was not bad.

Dong Nuan did not care about the items. She only cared about her humanoid medicinal pill.

Speaking of which, she had not absorbed him today. Should she take a puff at noon?

However, now that the matchmaker was at home, it was not appropriate for her to run around casually. Old Madam Dong kept giving her a look to tell her not to walk around simply and to behave obediently.

Although they were all from the same village, how could Han Jianglou not know what Dong Nuan was like?

However, he had to put on an act in front of the matchmaker.

Dong Nuan cooperated and did not move. She sat at the back door to cool down.

The two families had already discussed this marriage. Now that they had found a matchmaker, it was just a procedure and etiquette.

Old Madam Dong hesitated for a moment before agreeing to the marriage. They agreed that in five days, the matchmaker would bring the man to the door. Both parties would exchange tokens and settle the marriage first.

Because the farmyard did not have the habit of eating lunch, Old Madam Dong did not leave any food behind. However, she picked some cucumbers, eggplants, and six eggs from the backyard for Old Madam Liu to fill.

The man had given the matchmaker a gift, so the woman had to express her gratitude.

It was mainly because Han Jianglou was generous. Old Madam Dong did not want to embarrass her family.

Old Madam Liu left happily with the things. The Dong family had given the matchmaker gift, and so had Han Jianglou. Moreover, as the one who took the initiative to talk about marriage, Han Jianglou was also very generous.

However, he gave Old Madam Liu a piece of meat that weighed a catty, half a catty of candy, and ten eggs.

To Old Madam Liu, this was already an extremely important matchmaker gift.

It was not like she had not accepted the offer of two eggs before.

After sending Old Madam Liu off, Old Madam Dong smiled and put away the things.

The fresh meat could not be stored in the summer. He had to apply salt to it, or it would stink at night.

Old Madam Dong was very fast. As expected, there was half a packet of sweets wrapped in the paper bag. Just by smelling the wrapping paper, it tasted very good.

Old Madam Dong happily put away the eggs and sugar, and the meat was marinated.

As for this small jar of wine, it was naturally reserved for Old Master Dong to drink.

Madam Dong Wu watched from the side with envy. There were a few times when she wanted to ask Old Madam Dong for candy for Dong Yao to eat, but in the end, she opened her mouth but did not dare to say anything.

She was afraid of being beaten and scolded. She wanted to order Dong Nuan around, but it was a pity that her eyeballs were about to pop out. Dong Nuan was still holding as still as a mountain.

In the end, Madam Dong Wu turned around angrily and returned to her room. Old Madam Dong pretended not to see her tricks the entire time.

After cleaning up, Old Madam Dong glanced at the people at home and asked with a frown, "Where are the people from Second Brother's and Fourth Brother's families?"

After asking, Madam Dong spat again. "Forget about Fourth Brother's family. Where did Second Brother's family go?"

Old Master Dong did not notice this at first. Why was his daughter-in-law missing for no reason?

Old Madam Dong did not look at him to answer. She looked at Dong Nuan, who was sitting at the back door. Dong Nuan shook her head, indicating that she did not know either. She had not seen anyone since she returned from school.