A Request

He had never suspected that Ye Leng'an did something to Chen Hailan. After interacting with Ye Leng'an for a period of time, he could tell that she was not only skilled in medicine, but also had a mysterious ability that he did not know about. If she really wanted to deal with Hailan, she wouldn't use such a simple method.

"You want me to treat her?" Ye Leng'an's lips curled into a faint smile. "Are you sure, Mr. Chen? You must still remember that your daughter is very suspicious of my medical skills!"

She wasn't trying to mock Chen Kang, she was just simply stating the truth.

Chen Kang looked embarrassed, but he still continued, "Healer Ye, your medical skills are brilliant. Actually, if it wasn't for the fact that I had no other choice, I wouldn't have asked you for help. Please do me a favor and go check on Hailan. I'll be very grateful to you whether or not you'll be able to cure her."