Arriving at the Zhang Family

After Ye Leng'an was picked up by the driver, they arrived at the destination very quickly. Unexpectedly, this was neither a hospital nor a nursing home, but a villa. To be precise, it should be Chen Hailan's house!

As soon as Ye Leng'an entered the house, she saw Chen Kang and Chen Haichao inside. Other than them, there was also Chen Hailan's husband, Zhang Hongguang, and their son and daughter, whom she had met at Chen Kang's house.

At this moment, they were all sitting in the living room waiting, looking obviously anxious.

When he saw Ye Leng'an walk in, Chen Kang immediately stood up. "Healer Ye, there you are."

Chen Haichao followed Chen Kang to greet her.

Watching Ye Leng'an walk in, Zhang Hongguang glanced at Chen Kang with hesitation on his face. "Dad, isn't this the one who treated you previously? "