The Encounter 2

Zhang Hongguang froze for a moment when he heard Chen Hailan's words. His heart skipped a beat, but he quickly regained his composure with a smile as gentle as ever. "Hailan, I know you have some misunderstandings about me, but you can't deny the fact that I was good to you all these years just because of what someone else said!"

At this point, Chen Hailan might be his only hope. At this moment, the only thing he could do was firmly grasp onto this life-saving straw.

"Zhang Hongguang, why didn't I realize you were so thick-skinned?" Chen Hailan was so angry that she wanted to laugh. "How shameless are you to say something like that?"

She felt disgusted when thinking of her marriage with this man for so many years.

Zhang Hongguang wanted to continue acting, but he was interrupted by Ye Leng'an.