The Encounter 4

Zhang Hui seethed with indignation, but in the end, he lowered his head towards Ye Leng'an. However, before he could apologize, he was interrupted.

"You don't need to apologize, and I won't accept your apology either." The corners of Ye Leng'an's lips curled up into an unrestrained smile. "However, if you want to know, I can tell you that I was indeed the one who caused Zhang Hongguang to become like this. Compared to him hiring someone to kill me, I at least spared his life, didn't I? However, in the future, he can only lie in bed for the rest of his life. This is also his punishment."

Zhang Hongguang, who had been lying on the ground, could not move at all, not to mention speak. The only part of his body he could control now was his eyeballs.

However, even so, he was fully conscious. So, after he heard Ye Leng'an's words, there was despair in his eyes.