A High-Level Bad Luck Talisman 3

"What a pity." Pang Tingting maintained a smile on her face. "I thought I could meet him!"

"You will, in the future!"

While they were chatting, Ye Xiyuan sat there with a smile and listened quietly, looking demure and elegant. However, in fact, she was communicating with the system.

"System, I want to exchange for a Bad Luck Talisman." Ye Xiyuan secretly called out to the system, "I want a high-level Bad Luck Talisman."

As long as she saw Ye Leng'an's face, she felt uncomfortable. It seemed that every time they met, Ye Leng'an always had the upper hand. Ye Leng'an was just the fake daughter of a rich family. Did she really think that she was remarkable? Ye Xiyuan wanted to let Ye Leng'an have a taste of unending misfortune.

"Host, you do not have enough points to exchange." The system's cold voice sounded emotionlessly.