Feeling Him Out 2

There was a glint of sadness in Zhongyu Yiran's eyes when Huangfu Ruiling gave her the cold shoulder. However, she immediately smiled and looked at Ye Leng'an. "Miss Ye, I've already heard from Li Yi that you saved me. I'm really grateful to you."

"This is what I should do. You don't need to thank me." Ye Leng'an waved her hand and said casually, "You're my patient. It's my duty to treat you."

She had promised Huangfu Ruiling that she would cure her. However, if there was something she was dissatisfied with, it would probably be that she had spent so much effort this time, but she did not get a single cent for the treatment fee. This time, it could really be considered a free treatment.

However, she would never talk about money with such a great beauty.