An Encounter at the Night Market 3

"Here, now you can see it!" Ye Leng'an said calmly, "The receipt is here. Do you want to transfer the money to me now? Or do you want to transfer it to me after you get to the police station?"

"You…" Shu Yaqi gritted her teeth and said, "It's just three million, you are making it seem like no one can afford this amount. I'll transfer it to you now."

Ye Leng'an nodded and provided her bank account number.

Though Shu Yaqi's heart was bleeding, she still pretended to be indifferent. After the transfer was done, she looked at Ye Leng'an and said mockingly, "Only someone like you who hasn't seen the world would attach such importance to three million. I'll just consider it a happy purchase."

At the side, Shu Mei'er kept her head lowered. In a place where no one could see, her eyes were filled with excitement. She also didn't expect that Shu Yaqi would actually suffer such a big loss here today. It was truly gratifying!