I Believe You 3

"How could that be?" Nangong Xuyao patted Ye Xiyuan's head and smiled gently. "I believe you. However, under the circumstances just now, you really shouldn't have continued talking."

"Why?" Ye Xiyuan looked confused and even a little indignant. "Are we just going to let Ye Leng'an continue to deceive Young Master Huangfu like this?"

At this point, Ye Xiyuan carefully glanced at Nangong Xuyao and lowered her voice. "Brother Nangong, you're right. I really don't like Ye Leng'an. However, I didn't do this for revenge. I just didn't want her to lie like this."

"I know your intention is good." Nangong Xuyao smiled and shook his head. "But can't you tell? It doesn't matter whether what you said was true or not. What is important is what Huangfu Ruiling thinks. He has already decided that he must believe Ye Leng'an. Even if you were to present real evidence in front of him, he still wouldn't believe you."