The Seven Star Flower 4

Of course, this was just a thought. He knew very well how much Ye Leng'an liked this Seven Star Flower. In order to bid for the Seven Star Flower, she had already made a lot of preparations. If the Seven Star Flower was destroyed, she would definitely be very unhappy.

In another private room, Zhongyu Yiran also sat up straight. Since the start of the auction, she hadn't raised her paddle once. She had been waiting for the Seven Star Flower all night. Now that it had finally appeared, she was naturally prepared. She didn't know how many people present were interested in the Seven Star Flower, but she knew that no matter what, she had to obtain it today. 

Ye Min'er entrusted her to bid for the Seven Star Flower this time. As long as she could befriend Ye Min'er, her weak body would be saved. The Ye family was a famous alchemy family in the Hidden World. As long as she could obtain the Ye family's pills, her health would be saved.