Zhongyu Yiran's Plan 4

Since Zhongyu Yiran could go home, she should not be injured. Moreover, it should not be a big deal. She just didn't know what had happened on his side that had caused a commotion at the Public Security Bureau. 

"He's fine, but he won't be able to come to Paris tomorrow," Ye Li said in a bad mood. "He is currently under investigation for trespassing. Before the matter is settled, he cannot leave the capital." 

Although it wasn't a major incident, he was still restricted from leaving the country. 

"Alas, then it looks like we have to go back," Lin Wanqin couldn't help but sigh. "I feel bad for Xiyuan. I was originally in high spirits, wanting to take her on an overseas trip for the New Year. Now the New Year is not yet over and we have to go back soon."