She Agrees 4

Therefore, they were the only ones who could pay this amount. Although they could take out one billion US dollars. it was no different from cutting their flesh, the flesh from their hearts. 

Moreover, none of the famous doctors in China or abroad had dared to charge such an astronomical fee. Was Ye Leng'an overestimating herself?

Most importantly, his father might not be willing to accept such an expensive treatment fee. Although he had heard Ye Leng'an's medical skills were superb, his father was still half believing and half doubting. Seeking Ye Leng'an's help was a last resort, even with a hint of desperation.

"I can get rid of the tumor in Old Master Shu's brain without surgery," Ye Leng'an said calmly. "Also, I can guarantee Old Master Shu will make a complete recovery, and I can guarantee the cancer cells will be completely eliminated."

After hearing Ye Leng'an's words, Shu Hui on the other end of the phone fell silent.