Clues About Her Past 7

"Pang Tingting, how do you want me to help you?" Ye Leng'an rested her chin on one hand and held her phone in the other. She looked lazy, and her words carried a hint of laziness. "You should be very clear about the principle of equivalent exchange, right? To get something, you must pay the corresponding price." 

Obviously, Pang Tingting knew something. However, she had been hiding it all this time, probably planning to use it as a bargaining chip. However, even if Pang Tingting had a bargaining chip, Ye Leng'an was not in a hurry. She knew very clearly that the one who rushed would lose the advantage.

Moreover, although she was very curious about her parentage, she had always maintained a natural and carefree attitude. Right now, she was curious about her family, but she didn't have an intense desire to know. After enduring the passage of so many years, her longing for family ties had long since dissipated.