Styling 3

After sitting for a while, Pang Tingting finally got up and went home. 

On the other hand, after leaving the cafe, Ye Leng'an did not linger outside for too long. Instead, she returned to the villa.

Back at the villa, she began examining the bracelet. While the bracelet did seem valuable, there was nothing particularly distinctive about it, and it could be found in regular jewelry stores. The only clue seemed to be the two letters on it. After careful examination, the letters were "ZX." This should be an abbreviation for a name, but it wasn't clear whether it was an abbreviation for the name of the mysterious woman in black.

When Huangfu Ruiling arrived at the villa, Ye Leng'an was sitting on the sofa holding a chain, seeming to be in a daze. She didn't even notice him come in.