Huangfu Ruiling's Decision 3

It just so happened that recently she had seen a hotpot restaurant online that looked quite good. It made her appetite surge, so she was keen to try it out.


Huangfu Ruiling let Ye Leng'an pull him up, and the two headed out.


He had never cared much about what to eat, so he naturally let Ye Leng'an decide. Moreover, he liked sharing everything she was interested in with her.


Although it was called a hotpot restaurant, it was different from ordinary ones. It seemed this hotpot restaurant wanted to go for a high-end vibe! Thus, the décor of the restaurant was quite luxurious.


However, as soon as they entered, Ye Leng'an saw a group of familiar faces. Though she said they were familiar, there was only one person she actually knew here. As for the others, she had only seen them on the surveillance cameras.


This group was the same people Li Qiaomeng had invited to her house before.