Don't Call Me Brother 1

Just as Ye Xiyuan seemed oblivious to the pallor on her face, Nangong Xuyao continued, "There's one more thing I need to clarify. I believe many of you have heard the story that Miss Ye Xiyuan here is my savior. However, there's been a misunderstanding. Before, it was true that I was gravely injured and someone did rescue me. But that someone wasn't Ye Xiyuan; it was another person. I won't disclose the person's identity at this moment. As for Ye Xiyuan, she falsely claimed the credit."


Nangong Xuyao's words were unapologetic and straightforward, leaving Ye Xiyuan no room for face.


The guests below, who had initially gathered for a simple banquet, couldn't believe the sensational revelation they were witnessing. As they glanced towards Ye Xiyuan, their expressions were filled with astonishment.