First Place 2

After hearing Principal Zhou's words, Zheng Anyang's heart skipped a beat. However, he maintained a calm demeanor. "While we are teachers, we can't interfere too much in the students' affairs. As for the difficulty of the questions, it varies from person to person. Some find them difficult, while others may find them easy. It depends on the students' abilities."

When he heard that the questions were very difficult, he felt a bit uneasy. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Ye Leng'an's abilities, but Ye Leng'an had turned in her paper quite early this time, which made him feel somewhat uneasy.

However, in the end, he chose to trust Ye Leng'an. It wasn't for any other reason, but the confidence Ye Leng'an displayed seemed genuine. Besides, he was well aware of Ye Leng'an's abilities.

"It seems that Principal Zheng has a lot of confidence in your students," Principal Zhou nodded and said with a smile. "I just hope that the student won't disappoint you."