Dining Together 3

"Big brother, Miss Ye, you've arrived. Please have a seat!" Huangfu Ruixiang quickly ushered them in. 

Once seated, menus were passed their way. "Take a look and decide what you'd like. We already ordered some dishes, but unsure of your preferences, didn't go overboard. Feel free to add more." 

As a high-end establishment, once orders were placed a server promptly arrived with the first round, the wait brief. 

Ye Leng'an sampled a slice of salmon, then nodded approvingly. "The fare here really is exceptional."

"Agreed," confirmed Huangfu Ruixiang. "I've visited a few times before and found the ingredients quite fresh. When treating clients out, this restaurant is a frequent choice."

"Sounds great." Ye Leng'an nodded, then pivoted the conversation. "Well, once you have a girlfriend, you can bring her here to sample the cuisine. I imagine most girls would be quite fond of this place."