A Farce 4

"Ruixiang, step aside," Zhongyu Liuying said, glaring at Huangfu Ruixiang, who was protecting Li Yiran. "Is the trouble caused by her not enough for you today? And now you're still protecting her. Do you even realize what you've lost today because of her?"

Although Nangong Zilin didn't explicitly state it, her implication was clear. The likelihood between her and Huangfu Ruixiang was diminishing.

The frustration of losing such an excellent match left Zhongyu Liuying feeling stifled. The main culprit behind all this was Li Yiran, yet her own son insisted on protecting her.

"Mom, Yiran didn't do it on purpose," Huangfu Ruixiang furrowed his brows, defending Li Yiran. "Besides, she's carrying my child now. You should consider the bigger picture. Just for the sake of your future grandson, you shouldn't treat her like this!"