Something Wrong With Their Mindset 3

However, Ye Li remained silent. He wasn't impulsive and understood that Zheng Anyang, securing the position of the principal at Sheng'an High School, was no ordinary person.

Unlike Ye Li, Lin Wanqin couldn't contain herself and voiced her concerns directly. Her tone carried a hint of reproach. "We indeed have an urgent matter. Has Principal Zheng forgotten what happened yesterday? Without that incident, we wouldn't have been so frantic as to forget proper etiquette."

Her words conveyed her dissatisfaction outright. In her view, Xiyuan was injured within the school premises, signifying the school's undeniable responsibility. Yet, since Xiyuan woke up, there had been no response from the school. Their apparent indifference fueled her resentment.

Ye Li intended to intervene but seemed to reconsider and remained silent.