The Fight 4

However, refining the Rejuvenation Pill was no easy task. Even if some alchemists managed to produce it, they often kept it for personal use, rarely offering it for sale. The ingredients and spiritual plants required for the Rejuvenation Pill were highly valuable. Consequently, the Rejuvenation Pills circulating in the market were scarce, and their worth was self-evident.

Nonetheless, the Ye family, being a lineage of alchemists, possessing the ability to provide Rejuvenation Pills was deemed reasonable.

Ye Wanwan shot a triumphant glance in the direction of Ye Leng'an.

"Hmph, did they truly believe that relying on the Huangfu family as a backer would secure them the Shennong Cauldron? Our Ye family also boasts a profound background, and not everyone can produce a Rejuvenation Pill. The ultimate victor is still uncertain!" sneered Ye Wanwan.