Invitation 4

Although she spoke of fate, her tone dripped with disdain. Initially, she believed Ye An'an hailed from some obscure corner of the Hidden World, only to discover she originated from the mortal world, a realm she considered almost devoid of spiritual energy and worse than the backwaters of the Hidden World.

In her view, Ye An'an must have employed numerous schemes to ascend to the position of the Huangfu family head's fiancé.

Ye Leng'an wasn't foolish; she discerned the hidden implications in Ye Wanwan's words. Nevertheless, she remained unfazed and nodded solemnly. "I also believe we share some remarkable fate."

She dismissed Ye Wanwan's sarcastic remarks and saw no need to divulge details of her relationship with Huangfu Ruiling to an outsider.

"Wanwan, mind your words." Lian Mengzhu wasn't naive, especially understanding Ye Wanwan well. She naturally grasped the subtleties behind Ye Wanwan's words.