Words With Hidden Meaning 1

After a considerable pause, Ye Hongxuan was the first to speak, saying, "Master Huangfu, inviting us for lunch today must have a purpose beyond just the meal, right?"

Upon hearing Ye Hongxuan's words, Huangfu Ruiling glanced at him indifferently and responded, "Master Ye, can't I simply invite you to a meal without any ulterior motives?"

Given this response, Ye Hongxuan found it challenging to decipher the other party's intentions. From the beginning, he doubted whether the invitation was sincere. However, now, with Huangfu Ling's words and the apparent lack of prior interaction, he was genuinely perplexed about the other party's motives.

"Master Ye, Mrs. Ye, don't worry," Ye Leng'an reassured with a smile. "You don't need to read too much into it. Consider it a casual meal between friends."