The Greatest Compensation

"Haha, Yuan Silei, what kind of joke are you telling?" Ye Leng'an's face was filled with mockery. "Who do you think you are? What makes you believe you can sway me? Moreover, you're not qualified to deal with Ye Xiyuan!"

Even though Ye Xiyuan's IQ wasn't exceptionally high, she was cunning. Being reborn gave her an edge over Yuan Silei. Moreover, unlike Ye Xiyuan, she didn't need anyone else's help to deal with her. She could handle it perfectly on her own.

"I can do it," Yuan Silei said anxiously. "Ye Xiyuan trusts me. If you truly want to deal with her, I can assist you."

Yuan Silei couldn't fathom that Ye Leng'an harbored no resentment towards Ye Xiyuan. Given Ye Xiyuan's actions - usurping Ye Leng'an's position in the Ye family and repeatedly scheming against her - she believed there was no way Ye Leng'an could tolerate it.