Declining the Interview Requests

Although Zheng Anyang had many questions in his mind, he refrained from asking, fearing he might touch upon something that would upset Ye Leng'an. Especially during such a joyous occasion, it seemed unnecessary.

Ye Leng'an, seemingly unfazed, spoke slowly, "Our engagement ceremony is already in preparation. It will take place before the start of the university term. Principal, please come and attend our engagement ceremony!"

Seeing Ye Leng'an's calm demeanor, Zheng Anyang felt reassured. He smiled and responded, "Certainly! Make sure to send me an invitation. I'd like to attend and see what kind of person is worthy of you!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Leng'an furrowed her brow and then looked at Zheng Anyang strangely. "Principal, didn't you already encounter him before? Have you forgotten?"

Though they hadn't exchanged greetings at the banquet, the principal must have heard about her and Huangfu Ruiling. Why did he now act as if he knew nothing?