Wait A Moment

Sitting together at the same table, Nangong Xiyu smiled and remarked, "Oh, Ruiling and Leng'an's relationship is really good! Looks like your wedding is coming soon!"

Upon hearing that, Huangfu Ruiling's expression softened. He even responded, "It depends on An'an."

Huangfu Ruiling's response surprised everyone at the main table. Even Nangong Xiyu, who had spoken first, did not expect this.

Her initial intention in speaking was merely to establish a good relationship with Huangfu Ruiling. With Huangfu Ruiling now in charge of the Huangfu family, she naturally didn't expect her son and husband to contest for power. After all, Huangfu Jingxian and Huangfu Ruihang lacked such capability.

However, with Huangfu Jingxian and Huangfu Ruihang now working at Huangye Group, she naturally hoped they would have more opportunities for advancement. This inevitably required support from Huangfu Ruiling's side.