They'd Think It Was Your Doing

The staff member hesitated; after all, they had rules and couldn't disturb guests. However, the young lady's demeanor before him was exceptionally pleasant, and she belonged to the Murong family.

Although their small town was somewhat remote, it wasn't backward. The four major families in the capital all had branches in the city. Naturally, he understood the Murong family's status and found it difficult to refuse.

Murong Yumeng didn't press but patiently awaited his response. Yet, her face exuded calm confidence, evidently not expecting rejection.

"Alright then!"

The staff member nodded and picked up the phone to call the room. Since the guests had just checked in, they were likely still there.

If they had gone out, he wouldn't dare disturb them on their private line. Otherwise, he might receive complaints for disrupting their leisure.

"No need to call."