
As Murong Yumeng and her companions approached, the first person to catch their attention was the charming Ye Leng'an.

Among the crowd, only Huangfu Ruiling and Ye Leng'an stood out. Even amidst the bustling atmosphere, their striking appearances and unique demeanor were enough to captivate attention.

Even Zi Zhijie, deeply infatuated with Murong Yumeng, momentarily lost focus upon seeing Ye Leng'an's smiling face.

"Meeting again, it seems fate has its own plans," Xiao Lingling spoke up, her face filled with resentment. "If we had known, we wouldn't have come."

Her words snapped everyone back to reality, their earlier distraction now remembered with a tinge of complexity.

"Since we've encountered each other, let's greet them," Murong Yumeng suggested warmly. "It's only polite since we know each other. Ignoring them would be rude."