Feeling Unwelcome

As soon as these words were spoken, the temperature around Huangfu Ruiling dropped visibly, causing an evident chill to permeate the entire room. This abrupt change left everyone puzzled, as in their eyes, Ye Hongxuan's actions seemed justified. After all, Ye Wanwan was his biological daughter, so it was only natural for him to protect her.

Moreover, it was the birthday of Old Master Ye. While Ye Leng'an, as the fiancée of Master Huangfu, was an esteemed guest, it wasn't appropriate for her to be so assertive on someone else's turf.

"Master Ye is indeed a devoted father!" Huangfu Ruiling remarked, his tone carrying a hint of coldness as he looked at Ye Hongxuan. "One can't help but wonder if your daughter is fortunate or unfortunate to have a father like you."