Leaving Gracefully

Under Ye Leng'an's scrutinizing gaze, Zhongyu Lingshan couldn't help but feel a hint of panic, but she quickly regained her composure. Directly meeting Ye Leng'an's eyes, she spoke calmly, "Miss Ye, I'm not sure what you're implying. I'm simply concerned about my aunt. We share the same family name, and we're relatives. Is it not permissible for me to speak up for my own kin?"

Ye Leng'an shrugged, neither confirming nor denying, "You really don't need to be so anxious. What matters most is what you think. Others can't interfere with that."

Zhongyu Lingshan remained silent, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that her thoughts were laid bare before the other party.

"Ye Leng'an, it's not your place to intervene," Zhongyu Liuying immediately stepped in to defend Zhongyu Lingshan. "She's my niece and has every right to speak. As a junior, how dare you utter such words? Do you have no respect for us?"