Can You Do Me a Favor?

Zhou Cui'an stood there blankly, her thoughts a jumble.

When she snapped back to reality, she noticed that the police had already arrived at the shop. Instantly, her mood turned frantic.

Though she had anticipated the possibility of the store calling the police, she hadn't expected them to arrive so promptly. Now, with the sudden appearance of the police, her mind went blank, unsure of what to do next.

The police didn't take Zhou Cui'an to the station immediately. Instead, they attempted to mediate between the two parties first. After all, it was merely a consumer dispute. If they could come to an agreement, it would simplify matters. If not, they could always take her to the station later.

However, the mediation process proved challenging. Zhou Cui'an simply couldn't come up with over 300,000 yuan. Even if they continued negotiating, it would lead nowhere.