A Turning Point

Huangfu Ruiling remained indifferent. "Li Yi is no longer part of the Li generation. Though not formally expelled from the Huangfu family, he's practically marginalized. Yet, such a person can be manipulated by Li Yiran."

Ye Leng'an sighed, feeling somewhat regretful. "Li Yi's cultivation is decent, and his talent isn't bad. It's surprising to see him so blindly in love. He's probably under Li Yiran's tight grip now!"

Indeed, a classic case of valuing beauty over prospects. However, it was someone else's affair and didn't concern her much, just evoking a sense of pity.

Huangfu Ruiling chuckled, then remarked, "Li Yiran's petty tricks are well-known. It's just that everyone's discontent with Huangfu Ruixiang's wife, Zhong Yating, is being exploited. Even if Li Yi could help her dig up those matters, he couldn't secure her position as Huangfu Ruixiang's wife."