Seeking Justice

All eyes were fixed on the entrance as Zhongyu Jiarui and Ye Wanwan stepped into the venue. The sight of Ye Wanwan, battered and bloodied, drew particular attention, with blood staining her lips and clothes.

Ye Wanwan leaned heavily against Zhongyu Jiarui, her complexion pallid, her breath shallow. She appeared fragile, as though teetering on the brink of collapse.

Witnessing this, Ye Hongxuan and Lian Mengzhu rushed over, their concern evident.

Lian Mengzhu swiftly took charge, supporting Ye Wanwan, while Ye Hongxuan wasted no time retrieving a vial of medicine from his storage artifact. Pouring out a pill, he gently placed it in Ye Wanwan's mouth.

As the medicine took effect, Ye Wanwan's complexion visibly improved, though still lacking its usual vigor.

At that moment, Murong Xingrui approached, his expression anxious as he addressed his bedraggled fiancée. "Wanwan, what happened? You were fine just moments ago. Who did this to you?"