The Collision

It seemed like an eternity before Ye Yikun finally spoke, "Don't mention anything to anyone for now. And as for your second brother and the others, tell them to keep quiet too. As for Wanwan, once she wakes up, have her come over to my place."

Ye Yikun's tone remained calm, giving no hint of his thoughts at the moment. However, this only added to the unease in the air.

"Father, what about the Murong family?" After some consideration, Ye Hongxuan asked, "Murong Xingrui was present throughout tonight's events. He must be suspicious by now. We might not be able to keep this from the Murong family any longer."

"We'll leave the Murong family aside for now." A glint flickered in Ye Yikun's eyes. "Even if they come to know about Wanwan's background and consider calling off the engagement, it won't happen that quickly. They also have their pride. Ending the engagement over such a reason would only make them a laughing stock."