Unknown Source of Funds

Upon hearing Ye Leng'an's response, Li San lowered his head, unsure of how to reply. Nearby, Huangfu Ruiling chuckled softly. "It's not that extreme. In Huangfu Shaohua's eyes, Zhou Cui'an is just a plaything, not someone he cares about. He's probably intervening now because he hasn't tired of her yet!"

"Li San, suppress this matter," Ye Leng'an said calmly. "There's no need to inform Huangfu Shaohua about my identity, but the Huangfu family shouldn't offer him any help in this matter."

If Huangfu Shaohua were smart, he would suspect something fishy and refrain from interfering. If he were foolish enough to continue, then he deserved the consequences.

Upon receiving Ye Leng'an's directive, Li San promptly responded with deference, "Yes, Miss Ye."

In the Huangfu family, Ye Leng'an's words carried the same weight as Huangfu Ruiling's, or rather, they held equal positions now.