Elite Competition

Though feeling restless knowing her lanugo hair had been taken by an unknown person, Ye Leng'an remained relatively composed. She believed her strength would shield her from easy manipulation.

"I'm fine." Huangfu Ruiling's lips curled into a faint smile, though his eyes flashed danger. "I won't let anyone harm you."

Despite his gentle tone, his resolve was unwavering.

Regardless of the hidden agenda behind her stolen hair, it was best not to provoke any action that might harm Ye Leng'an. Otherwise, the consequences would be dire.

Ye Leng'an chuckled and shook her head, then reached out to stroke Huangfu Ruiling's brow. "Enough with the frown. Isn't it better now that we know? It'd be worse to be blindsided later."

Huangfu Ruiling nodded, saying no more.

"Forget about it." Ye Leng'an rose, hands on the desk, smiling at Huangfu Ruiling. "I don't have classes this afternoon. Let's go out and have some fun!"