Don't Know What to Do

Murong Yumeng was taken aback by Zhou Cui'an's intense reaction. Once she regained her composure, a hint of displeasure flashed in her eyes, but she made an effort to rein in her emotions. "Junior Sister Zhou, what's the matter? You don't seem well."

Zhou Cui'an, oblivious to Murong Yumeng's displeasure, was consumed with anxiety over Huangfu Shaohua's unresponsiveness. She reached out and grabbed Murong Yumeng's hand. "Can you reach Shaohua?"

Ignoring Zhou Cui'an's words, Murong Yumeng felt the pain in her wrist from being grabbed and quickly pulled away. Annoyance creased her face. "What are you doing?"

Though not a favorite in her family, Murong Yumeng was still a prominent figure as a direct descendant of the Murong family. Her father was the family head, and within the family, she commanded respect. But to be treated so rudely!

Zhou Cui'an, alarmed by Murong Yumeng's change in demeanor, hastily apologized. "I'm sorry. It was unintentional."