Do It Quickly

Upon hearing Ye Leng'an's response, Murong Yumeng hesitated momentarily before hurriedly attempting to clarify, "That's not what I meant. What I meant was…"

She had intended to attribute Zhou Cui'an's suicide to Ye Leng'an so that everyone would know that today's commotion was all due to Ye Leng'an's callousness.

Unexpectedly, Ye Leng'an completely misinterpreted her intentions and absolved herself of all responsibility.

"Senior Sister Murong, what did you mean then?" Ye Leng'an blinked innocently, glancing at Murong Yumeng before smiling and asking, "Do you think Zhou Cui'an's current spectacle is justified?"

"I didn't mean to...I didn't..."

Murong Yumeng was at a loss for words.

Meanwhile, Zhou Cui'an, standing by the railing, became increasingly agitated upon seeing Ye Leng'an. She shouted, "Ye Leng'an, it's all because of you! You're the reason I'm in this state!"