I'm Pregnant

Inside the villa, Ye Leng'an observed the family of three seated across from her and couldn't help but feel a surge of sympathy. But her compassion wasn't directed towards Zhou Cui'an; it was for her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Zhou appeared to be simple, hardworking folks. Their worn-out clothes and uneasy demeanor clashed with the opulence of the surroundings, making them seem out of place on the luxurious sofa.

Had it not been for Zhou Cui'an's parents, Ye Leng'an wouldn't have allowed her inside. Their relationship was strained, to say the least. In fact, they were almost like enemies now.

As Ye Leng'an gazed at the silent trio, she rested her chin on her hand, her eyes betraying impatience. "Zhou Cui'an, your ten minutes are almost up."

She couldn't afford to waste much time here. She had plans to have lunch with Huangfu Ruiling. Turning back had already cost her precious time.