The Negotiation Fell Through

After some consideration, Ye Leng'an continued, "However, Master Zhongyu, if you feel that it's not suitable, then I can sweeten the deal. What do you think?"

She was genuinely interested in the Frost Jade Toad. Acquiring it today would be advantageous.

"Sweeten the deal?" Master Zhongyu furrowed his brow, then asked, "Miss Ye, what exactly do you mean by that?"

Taking a moment to ponder, Ye Leng'an replied, "Since Master Zhongyu deems the Frost Jade Toad so crucial, even surpassing Zhongyu Lingshan. What if I offer five more Nine-Cycle Soul-Returning Pills? Five Nine-Cycle Soul-Returning Pills, along with the antidote for Zhongyu Lingshan's poison. Would that be sufficient to acquire the Frost Jade Toad?"

The Nine-Cycle Soul-Returning Pill was the ultimate life-saving elixir. As long as one still breathed, it could snatch them back from the clutches of death.