Don’t Push Yourself Too Much

"Wanwan, are you okay?"

Just as Ye Wanwan was lost in her thoughts, without even knocking, Lian Mengzhu pushed the door open and walked in, her face showing concern.

Ye Wanwan snapped out of her reverie and looked at Lian Mengzhu. Her expression was now composed as if nothing had happened. She appeared no different from her usual self. "Mother, why are you here at this hour?"

Seeing Ye Wanwan's calm demeanor, Lian Mengzhu's initially tense expression relaxed. "It's nothing. I just heard from the servant that you weren't looking too well. I was worried you might be feeling unwell, so I came to check on you."

"I'm fine," Ye Wanwan said, offering a warm smile. "I've just been a bit tired from practicing recently, that's all. I'll be fine after resting for a bit."