Asking for Help

Upon hearing such blunt words, Huangfu Ruixiang was momentarily at a loss. Suddenly, he found himself unsure of how to respond. He and Zhong Yating exchanged glances, but neither spoke first.

Ye Leng'an raised an eyebrow and calmly stated, "If you have no urgent matters, then please leave! I have other arrangements today and don't have much time for idle chatter."

Seeing Ye Leng'an about to leave, Huangfu Ruixiang started to panic. He quickly interjected, "Sister-in-law, we came over today because Mother wants to ask for your and my brother's help."

Hearing Huangfu Ruixiang call her "sister-in-law," Ye Leng'an's lips curved into a mocking smile. She could sense that Huangfu Ruixiang's request this time was significant, otherwise he wouldn't repeatedly address her like this.

In the past, Huangfu Ruixiang had only referred to her as Miss Ye. Who would believe there wasn't something fishy going on with this sudden change in address?