The Outstanding Performance

Upon hearing Ye Leng'an's words, Huangfu Ruiling's expression turned stern, a sharp glint flashing in his eyes. "Alright, I understand. Stay out of this matter. I'll have the Enforcement Team handle it."

Ye Leng'an nodded, then, as if struck by a thought, she asked, "What do you think Nangong Xuyao is up to? Isn't he already engaged to Zhongyu Jiarui? Isn't it considered backstabbing to act this way when Master Zhongyu is his future father-in-law?"

Huangfu Ruiling chuckled lightly at Ye Leng'an's description. "Nangong Xuyao is not one to stay docile. His goals are clear. The engagement with Zhongyu Jiarui serves two purposes: to gain support from the Zhongyu family and to garner attention from the Nangong family. But evidently, he won't bow down to anyone. He's trying to win our favor now, but he must have ulterior motives against the Zhongyu family!"

"Ulterior motives?" Ye Leng'an was surprised. "But he's just an outsider. He…"