The Outcome Is Clear

The outcome of this match was pretty much a done deal. Looking at the two on stage, many couldn't help but feel lamentable. And as expected, Ye Leng'an emerged as the winner.

Once Ye Leng'an showcased her prowess, everyone knew who'd come out on top.

Huangfu Ruiling, too, settled back into his usual indifferent demeanor, calmly watching the scene unfold without a hint of worry.

Over at the Ye family's spot, Ye Hongxuan and Lian Mengzhu observed the match's conclusion with inscrutable expressions. Initially concerned for Ye Leng'an, their worry now shifted to Ye Wanwan.

Seeing her helpless on the ground, they wore expressions of clear worry and distress. If they could, they'd rush to her aid in a heartbeat.

But they couldn't. The match wasn't over yet, and intervening would breach the rules, jeopardizing not just Ye Wanwan but the whole Ye family.