The Sacrifice

"Ye Leng'an, you really have Ye family's blood." Ye Yikun admired Ye Leng'an but felt sorry too. "Too bad, such a great bloodline won't live up to its potential."

If Ye Leng'an had grown up in the Ye family, maybe he wouldn't have picked her. But there were no ifs in this world.

"Oh, are you going to kill me?" Ye Leng'an stayed calm. "But I wonder, why all the fuss? Why not just kill me?"

"Smart, Ye Leng'an. Yes, I'll kill you," Ye Yikun agreed. "Not now, but soon."

"So, I'm still useful?" Ye Leng'an got it. "Why kill me? Not because I won't go back to the Ye family, right? And our fights aren't worth my death. Unless..."

Ye Leng'an's eyes sharpened. "You got my lanugo and locked me up. Planning some evil arts?"

Ye Yikun blinked, smile gone, replaced by a bit of nastiness. "Impressive, you figured out a lot!"

"So, my guess is right." Ye Leng'an lounged, smiling lazily. "You're the one using evil arts, aren't you?"