
After hearing Lian Mengzhu's words, Ye Hongxuan seemed to snap out of a daze. He immediately stood up, his tone carrying a hint of urgency. "You're right. Wanwan might actually know something. Let's go and ask her right now."

After speaking, Ye Hongxuan straightly headed out.

Seeing Ye Hongxuan's anxious demeanor, a trace of hesitation and regret flashed across Lian Mengzhu's face. She didn't know if her suggestion was a good idea. However, she was still a bit worried about her husband.

Without delay, Lian Mengzhu followed quickly. She felt her husband was a little too anxious. Moreover, Wanwan was severely injured and couldn't handle any stress right now.

At this moment, Ye Wanwan had no idea that her father was coming. She was lying on her bed, her thoughts in disarray.