
"Bloodline, it's always about bloodline." Hearing Ye Hongxuan's words, Ye Leng'an sneered. "How noble your Ye family is! Always emphasizing bloodline, yet engaged in such despicable acts. And now you want to cover it up. Who do you think you are to say such shameless things?"

Her biting words made Ye Hongxuan's face flush with anger, but he persisted, "Ye Leng'an, you…"

Before he could finish, Ye Leng'an interrupted, "Master Ye, there's no need to try and brainwash me here. Don't attempt to use morals to manipulate me because I have none."

With that, Ye Leng'an grabbed Huangfu Ruiling and left.

Left behind, Ye Hongxuan and Lian Mengzhu wore uneasy expressions. Especially Ye Hongxuan, who was deeply worried. He could already foresee the storm the Ye family would face once this matter came to light.