Wang Xin did not believe that this man could take her away in the territory of the Wang Family Village. In the past, such an incident had taken place in the village too. A family member of the woman who had been kidnapped came looking for her and wanted to take her away. The men in the entire village worked together to chase her family members away. They even broke the woman's father's leg and forced the woman to stay.
Since they dared to snatch her away, they would see who would win the fight!
Zhuang Xuan hugged Zhang Qi tightly and said to everyone, "I have to take her away. None of you can escape."
The men shouted, "Beat him up!"
"Quick, get her back."
Men rushed forward with wooden sticks, sickles, and other tools, swinging them at the people in the center. The bodyguards only started to fight back when the sticks landed on them and they started fighting with this group of people.