Chapter 7

''Let's go?'' Auntie looked at me when I didn't follow her.

''Why? You won't go to church?'' she asked.

''No.'' I replied shortly.

''Why?'' she raised her eyebrows so I sighed.

'' Amy texted me last night and asked me to come to their house.''

She looked at me worried so I smiled to assure her that I'm okay even I'm nervous inside.

''Let me go with you.'' She said without hesitation.

I shook my head, ''No, I'm fine Aunt. Don't worry.''

She hugged me and whispered, ''If anything happens call me.''

I nodded and closed the door. We entered the elevator together and separated when we were in the parking lot. She's giving me advice and forced me to come with her but I refused so at the end I'm still the winner. I'm wearing my Gabinnete wrap dress and flat sandals. I started the engine and drove going to their house. While I'm on my way, I can't stop myself being nervous as if like I did something wrong. I parked my car outside and rang the doorbell. One of the maids opened the gate so I entered and thanked her, as I entered the house my heart was about to explode because of nervousness. For a month, just now I was able to enter their house again, our house.

''Where are they?'' I asked the maid who opened the gate for me.

''They're in the dining area, Ma'am.''

I nodded and walked away to the dining room. They are already eating.

''Good morning, sorry I'm a bit late.'' I looked down and bit my lips.

''Sit down.'' Dad said so I sat down next to Amy.

She looks at me with no emotions on her face, as I look at Mom she's just eating her breakfast without looking in my direction. Dad ordered the maid to get me a plate so I can eat with them, when the maid gave me the plate with spoon and fork I thanked her with a smile. I just ate the green salad because I don't usually eat rice every morning. As we finished the food, the maid cleaned them up and Dad cleared his throat. I'm starting to get nervous.

''How's your study?'' He asked.

I don't know if it's Amy being asked or me. He's looking at me so maybe the question is for me.

''I'm doing good, Dad.'' I answered.

He nodded and wiped his mouth with a tissue, ''Are you still living with your Aunt?''

I nodded, ''Yes, dad.''

A long silence is with us again so I just wait for them to speak and ask me questions.

''What's your plan after you graduate?'' Mom asked me.

This is it. They don't want me to become a teacher because they want me to work in their business.

''I'll start working as a Teacher, Mom.''

She looked at me with amusement and when I looked at Dad he didn't have any emotions and just drank his water.

''That's not my plan for you, Amber.''

I looked down. I played with my hands under the table. Sister Amy is not interested in what we're talking about, she doesn't care about me.

In this family, only my brother is my ally. But he also left me.

''After you graduate you will be engaged to the Son of my business partner.''

I sat up because of what Daddy said. What the hell? I will marry someone I don't even know. They only care about business!

''Dad, I can't mar--'' he cut me off.

''I supported you to take Education strand. I let you stay with your Mo--'' He cleared his throat again, ''I let you stay with your Aunt. I gave you a car. I just asked you to marry him, Our company is in danger so we need them, Amber!''

You only care about business. You never cared about me. Are you treating me this way because I am a child of sin? I bit my lips and looked down.

''Sorry.'' I said and left them.

I got into my car and drove away. I don't know where I am headed but I found myself driving where my brother is living. I park my car and go to his grave.

''Brother, I wish you were here.'' I cried.

''I need you. I want you here again, bro.'' I wiped my tears but they continued to fall, ''They want me to marry a man I don't even know. They only care about business, they never care about me, Brother. You're the only one who cares for me, I wish you were here so I have sympathy.''

''Amy hates me, Mom hates me, Dad hates me, everyone hates me.'' I smiled bitterly, ''Is it because I'm an outside child that they treat me like that? If my biological mom is here, do I have sympathy? That I am not alone, that in all my problems she is always there. Brother, do you know who my Mommy is?''

''Amber?'' I wiped my tears when a voice called me.


Did she follow me here? I thought, she doesn't care about me. My expectations are too much.

''What are you doing here?'' she asked me and placed the flower she bought next to brother's grave.

''I'm visiting Big Brother. I'm about to leave, sorry.''

They don't want to see me visiting my brother because they blame me. They blame me for his death, I blame my self too. I was about to leave when he said, ''Stay here.''

I looked at her and she was also looking at me so I stood next to her. Silence enveloped us but she broke the silence,

''Are you okay?'' she asked me.

I was surprised when she asked me, this is the first time she asked me if I'm okay.

I faked a smile, ''Of course!''

''Stop lying to yourself. I heard you earlier, it's true that I hate you but I don't hate you because you're an outsider's daughter.'' She said while looking at Brother's grave.

''I hate you because of what happened to him.'' pertaining to our brother, ''I blame you because of what happened but I regret saying those words to you. I told you that you were a mistake, a burden of the family, a fool for not noticing how Mom treated you like a stranger. If I never said that maybe you won't leave the house and maybe he's still here with us, I'm sorry.'' she added.

I cried while listening to her. All this time she blamed herself, too. A tear starts to fall down to her cheeks as she looks at me.

''When I heard that Dad's going to set you a marriage after you graduate, I was worried. I'm worried about how you feel because you know why?'' she cupped my face and smiled, ''Because I care for you. I acted like I didn't care because I was so ashamed, I'm a fool. I failed as a sister.''

''I'm here. I'll help you to stop that damn marriage.''