Chapter 13

(Past, Year 2021)

I caught my brother outside my room and he was already dressed. He is wearing a blue shirt and pants and Nike shoes for his feet. While I'm wearing a Crop Top and Denim Jeans, Adidas shoes are for my feet. Just a simple outfit.

"Happy birthday, princess." brother greeted me happily, so I smiled.

"You greeted me a happy birthday already. How many should you greet me?" I asked him sarcastically. He laughed and ruffled my hair, "Come on. You're so ugly, you're really bipolar." He tease me even more.

What!? Bipolar? Huh! What am I crazy?

When we left the room, we caught up with Daddy in the living room and he was in front of his laptop. Mommy is next to Daddy and is reading a magazine, sister is about to leave because she is dressed. Daddy's attention only went to us when brother faked a cough.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked. Did he forget that it's my birthday? I feel like I was hurt by what I thought.

"Amber and I are going out. With you, Dad, Mom, Amy." he said while smiling.

Sister Amy raised her eyebrows and looked at brother, "No thanks."

Mommy, on the other hand, doesn't seem to care. They forgot my birthday. But, is that a big deal? Sister Amy was about to go out but she was stopped when brother spoke and I didn't expect him to say that!

"It's Amber's birthday, how did you forget that? We're the only ones going out because none of you seem to be interested." My hair seemed to rise the way Kuya said that. He is so cold! His voice is so damn cold. He grabbed my wrist and walked past Ate Amy who was shocked by what she heard. My sister forgot my birthday.

When we got into the car, Kuya held my hand and smiled at me, "I'm sorry about earlier," his voice now is so sweet. His voice was different from before.

I smiled at him, "It's okay, Kuya. I'm used to it." His smile disappeared so I was nervous because I might have said something wrong.

"I'm sorry if you have to feel this kind of pain," he grabbed my cheek and pinched it, "Let's go."

I put on my seatbelt and opened the phone. There were messages from my friends so I smiled.

Ashtrielle: Happy birthday to my one and only sister! Hey, I woke up really early so I could wish you a happy birthday early. Let's eat later, it's free! Love you, babe! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I typed, 'Thank you! You are very stingy. You should be free, eh.' I opened Luke's message next so I laughed.

"I was just reading Ash's messages," I said because Kuya was looking at me. He just nodded in response and focused on driving.

Lukepogi: Pre, hapey bortdey to you. Just jump on me, ah.

Lukepogi: Just kidding. Happy birthday, Nyx. I just fixed the spelling, because it's jejemon, it doesn't suit my good looks. Ash said ugly, let's eat later, it's free.

I immediately replied to him,

AmberNyx: You should be the liberator! You are really stingy.

Lukepogi: Stupid!

I turned off my phone and got out of the car because we are here. Woah, we're at the beach! I was just focused on my phone so I didn't know that this is where we were going.

Kuya approached me and hugged me, "Happy birthday, sis. You told me that you want to go to the beach, right? That's why I brought you here. Surprise!"

I laughed and hugged back, "Thank you, Kuya. I love you so much!"

"Sorry, I love you too, Amber!" He was laughing and I screamed when he threw me on the beach!

"BROTHER!" I shouted.

He was just laughing and still holding his stomach. He must not have noticed my presence so I pulled him to the beach.


And we laughed together. Something happened earlier but immediately disappeared because of Kuya. He's crazy but he's the best. We went to Ash's condo afterwards and ate there, brother bought food. They sang me happy birthday and we were filled with laughter.


I was already awake at 8am. I just finished taking a shower and I don't know what to wear! In the end it's this Boucle Cardigan and black mini skirt. I only put on powder and liptint because I might look haggard. I took my white sneakers that Kuya gave me for my 18th birthday. It still fits me because my foot size is small, as small as my height.

Even though it lacked in height, it exceeded in beauty. Confidence is a right thing to believe. Is that right? I just read that too, eh. I went out and found Tita eating, starving too. I sat next to her because it was still quite early. We finished breakfast a while ago but here we are now, still eating. It's a good thing we don't gain weight even if we eat a lot, I might think we have worms in our stomachs. Damn, if it's true, it's disgusting, yak!

When it was almost 9, Vaughn called me so I answered it right away.

"Are you ready? I'm already here outside." He opened. He's already here!? Why didn't he say?

"Was it a while ago? Wait a minute, I'm going out!" I was speeding up and took my bag.

I ended our call and entered the elevator. Shame! Was he still there? Oh wait, he didn't say anything that he was already there, huh? He said 'Im already here' so he just arrived. Right! You are also very OA, Nyx. Another shame, lol.

When I was in the parking lot I saw Vaughn's car right away. I came over there and waved at him. I opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

"Good morning," he greeted.

I smiled, "Good morning."

He started the engine and drove away from the condo. I wore the seatbelt, to be safe.

"Did you eat breakfast?" He asked while looking straight ahead.

I nodded, "Yeah, done already."

He just nodded and focused on driving. We stopped at Starbucks to buy coffee. He's really handsome! He is wearing a white t-shirt on the inside and a Collar Denim Jacket on the outside. Trousers on the bottom and black shoes for the feet. Just a simple outfit but he looks so hot with that outfit, hehe.

When I came to UP, there were many students. There are students outside, inside and others are busy for their booths. Their design is also beautiful, there is a writing at the entrance that says 'UP FESTIVAL' in lettering that makes it even better.

"Leo, Dude!"

A man shouted so we looked at it. He has a girl with him. Vaughn's friends.

"Hi, are you Leo's friend?" The man asked me when they got close.

I nodded in response and smiled. This woman who was with her looked at me and her eyes seemed to be judging, as if she was judging my whole being.

"My name is Drox Malvin, but call me Malvs." He extended his hand to me so I accepted it with a smile.

"I'm Amber Nyx, nice to meet you." I said and he let go of my hand. He even elbowed the woman so she struggled before introducing herself.

"I'm Clea." He said sparingly so I just smiled at him. She hates me based on her actions. Why is it?

Malvs elbowed Vaughn and put his arm around him, "For the first time you come to our Festival," he looked at me before turning to his friend with a smile, "You're in love, bro." He continued to tease and Vaughn hit him, making his laughter even louder.

Vaughn grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from his friends. I see almost only booths, there are also sellers of food and clothes, couple t-shirts.

He took me to the booth to play darts and when you knock down the target, there is a prize.

"I'll get the teddy bear for you," He said and paid the guard there and took a position to leave the darts. That's three darts.

His first turn, he hit something right away. Is he good at it? He had one after another so he got the big teddy bear and gave it to me. I accepted it with a smile.

"Thank you," I said and hugged the teddy bear. It's brown in color and it's really bigger than me, exceeding the height of that teddy bear.

We even went to other booths and played there. We went to three booths and he took me to the basketball gymnasium. We were the only two people here because the students were outside.

"Wait here," He said and ran to the side to get the ball. Will he play?

We are in the middle of the court and the ring is far from here. I looked at him when he suddenly smiled and touched my cheek, I blushed.

"If I shoot this ball, you have to grant me a wish." He said and smiled.

Please don't smile, you make me like you even more, eh!

"W-What wish?" I asked. I swear, my face is red!

He just smiled, again! He took his position and prepared to shoot the ball. The distance of the ring, will the ball go in?

"Amber Nyx, Be my girlfriend!"

After he said that, he dropped the ball. I was surprised by what he said so I followed my ball to see if it would enter the ring. It was like I was in slow motion when it walked straight into the ring and Vaughn smiled at me proudly. I could hear my heartbeat. It seems like it's going to explode anytime, my cheeks are getting hot. Damn, my heart is abnormal!

He was about to come closer to me but I moved away from him. His eyebrows crossed and he was about to touch me so I pulled my hand away.

"W-what's the problem?" He asked nervously.

"D-don't come closer," I said weakly.

He was nervous about what I was doing so he came closer to me but I moved away from him, "Please, tell me. What's the problem? Is it because of what I said?" He asked consciously and was about to hold my hand again but I pulled it away again.

"Don't touch me."

"Please, tell me what's the problem, Nyx." He pulled out his hair.

"Fuck! Don't touch me, I'm thrilled!" I screamed and covered my face because of shame! I'm redder than a tomato!

I heard him chuckle. Damn!